Every Moon ritual deserves a sacred container to be used for later analysis and discovery on your journey. A Moon Journal is the perfect place to document the Moon’s cycle and the effect the energies have on your life.
In this post, I’ll show you how to create your own DIY Moon Journal so that you can start to enjoy the magic of the moon and her wisdom. I will cover why I created a Moon journal, how I use the Moon Play MoJo printables, what supplies you need, how to prepare your pages and how to construct your actual discbound Moon journal.
What is a Moon Journal, and Why Does it Matter?
A Moon Journal is a place to document your journey through the lunar cycles monthly and the longer Lunar Gestation Cycle over 27 months. In it, you can track daily events/activities and tie them to the weekly Moon phases and the corresponding Moon Families.
In 2019, I was introduced to a cyclical way of living. I had read the book, Do Less, by Kate Northrup (affiliate link) when I was struggling with burnout and ready to figure out a better way of being and not so much doing.
I loved the idea, but how to implement it in my life when I had 2 kids and was the breadwinner?
I dove into her world and tried to use her tools and tips to plot out a more sustainable way of living. And you know what? It didn’t really work for me. I couldn’t figure out why.
So I turned to astrology to help guide the way. It turns out that cyclical living is tied to the wisdom of the comos and a way of doing AND being.
Over time, I found more information on the lunar cycles and how to use the Moon and her wisdom in my creative process. But I needed a place to document my findings.
So I created my own Moon Journal.
It’s been a long process of design and streamlining, but it is finally ready to share with the world. Below, I share how to DIY your own so you can begin to document and analyze the energies and movements of the moon and how it affects your life and business.
How to DIY a Moon Journal
Step 1: Decide what type of Moon Journal
The first thing you need to do to DIY a Moon Journal is to decide what kind of journal you want/need. If you want to use the Moon Play printables to create yours, you can purchase them from my shop. Or you can modify any journal to include the spaces to document.
Since this system needs to have a bit of flexibility, I went with the discbound system. But you can use spiral binding or a different punch of your choice.
Choose which will work best for you, and get your supplies ready in the next step.
Step 2: Gather your materials
The tools you will need to make a discbound Moon Play MoJo are: (affiliate links, see sidebar for affiliate disclosure information.)
- Letter sized paper, 20 lb text works best so the book isn’t too thick (I prefer the cream color)
- Cutting Mat/craft knife/ruler or paper trimmer
- Discbound punch or punch of your choice
- 2 covers (make sure they are JUNIOR size)
- 8 discs
- Divider tabs (done yourself or bought)
- Bookmarks (magnetic or DIY)
Step 3: Prep Journal printables or notebook
When you purchase the digital version of the Moon Play MoJo, you get an instructional PDF with a link to the video below so you can follow along as I make my own Moon journal.
If you are starting from scratch and want to design your own, do that here.
Print the pages per the instructions in the download. Once they are all printed, get them ready to trim by making the piles of each section, then trim.
After trimming, punch all those pieces with your choice of punch.
Step 4: Construct your journal
After you have printed, trimmed and punched all your pages, it’s time to construct your book!
I show my best practices in constructing a discbound journal in the video below. I start at the back and fill in with stacks of 15 pages at a time so as to not damage the pages.
Each section gets its own divider, and three sections get a bookmark for ease of use.
Step 5: Use
Now your Moon Journal is ready to use. My recommendation is to start with the New Moon and Full Moons to start a ritual habit. Then add in the other quarters once you get more comfortable with it.
If you’ve used the Moon Play MoJo printables to construct your book, make sure to take advantage of the Daily Snapshot page to document all the bits and pieces of life that show up.
Moon Wisdom for Life and Biz
Congratulations! You now have a sacred tool that can be used to help guide your life with planning and understanding the manifestations in your life with the guidance of the Moon.
Have fun with this and let me know if you have any questions by commenting below! If you don’t know when the next moon phase is, make sure to download my free Moon phase printable. It’s a cheat sheet to know when the next Moon phase is.
Moon Phases
Cheat Sheet
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