How to use the Cycles of the Moon to Create

Using the cycles of the moon in life can be helpful for creative projects, planning events and launches, as well as manifesting desires. By understanding the cycles of nature, which align with the creative cycle, a sort of flow and ease starts to permeate your life.
Anyone can use the moon cycles to create and manifest. You don’t need to be an astrologer! All you need to have is curiosity and an intention to be open to possibility.
In this post, I’ll be covering what a lunar cycle looks like, a few of the different cycles the moon goes through and I’ll also be showing you how to use each phase of the moon to your advantage with helpful and practical tips to make the most of each phase. Let’s get started!
What are Cycles of the Moon, and Why Does it Matter?
Natural cycles are all around us. According to, a cycle is: “A process that returns to its beginning and then repeats itself in the same sequence.”
We observe this in the cycles of nature every year. We experience a Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, and then the cycle repeats again. We trust that at the end of every season (also a cycle in itself,) the next season will be brought about by the changes in temperature and how life responds to the changes.
The moon cycles are the same. And they are based on the phases that the moon experiences each month. The phases of the moon correspond with the cycles of nature and creation. There is a time of seeds being planted, growth, harvesting and death/rebirth.
The basic phases of the moon are determined by the moon’s apparent distance from the sun from our perspective here on Earth. We can see the face of the moon changing little by little everyday. This is a very simplified explanation of the moon’s phases. Learn more about the phases of the moon. They even have a helpful diagram to show us about the shadows across her face.
I always thought it was the Earth’s shadow, but it’s not!!
It’s important to understand that each phase carries with it a different energy, and so then affects life on planet Earth. Even farmers plant by the moon phases to yield more crops!
How to use the Cycles of the Moon
In order to use the cycles of the moon, you first need to understand the energies that come with each phase of the moon. Then you can leverage that information to create. Let’s look at the phases of the moon first.
Phases of the Moon

The moon phases repeat every month. The moon takes 29ish days to complete it’s monthly cycle as it moves around its ecliptic around the Earth. As it does, it brings the energy of each phase that corresponds with the natural cycles of creation.
When the light of the moon grows (it’s reflecting more and more of the Sun’s light everyday,) this is called Waxing. When the amount of the Sun’s light diminishes, this is called Waning. By becoming a moon watcher, you can witness this magic event day after day.
Below are the most basic ideas of the energies of each phase.
New Moon
Winter vibes. Chill to reset, reflect, and set intentions.
Waxing Crescent
Mid-winter vibes. Prep, plan, strategize.
First Quarter (1Q)
Spring vibes. Doing and taking steps towards manifestation.
Waxing Gibbous
Mid-spring vibes. Edit, refine, and practice patience.
Full Moon
Summer vibes. Be receptive. Celebrate and appreciate.
Waning Gibbous
Midsummer vibes. Nurturing others and harvesting.
Last Quarter (3Q)
Autumn vibes. Wrap it up by clearing and releasing.
Waning Crescent
Mid-autumn vibes. Surrender, rest and restore.
Personally, I prefer to focus on the big 4—New, First quarter, Full and Last Quarter moon when I look for creation and manifestation. The in-between phases are just as important, but they are more nuanced in their effects on the creation process.
The Lunar Cycles
There are many different lunar cycles happening at any given time. First, we have the monthly lunar cycle in which the moon travels around its ecliptic to get around the Earth every month. As it does that, it travels through the entire zodiac, sign by sign, as viewed from our perspective on earth. That’s what I mean when I say that the moon is in “name-of-zodiac” sign.
Next we have the annual cycle in which the moon returns to the zodiac sign from the previous year. So every December-January, we will have a New Moon in Capricorn and a Full Moon in Cancer. The zodiac pairs always appear together within their corresponding months.
Unfortunately, the Lunar cycle does not correlate with the Sun’s annual cycle in which it returns to the same sign and degree. That’s why the degrees of each moon phase in a sign is different each year. AND why some cultures have different calendars for different uses. It would be nice for our western culture to get back to lunar living, as it is more natural for our ways of being.
A longer cycle called the Lunar Gestation Cycle, discovered by Dietrich Pessin, in which the moon goes through the major phases at 9 month intervals, returning to the same sign and degree at each point along the 27 month life of the cycle. This one is my favorite.
There are also longer Lunar Cycles that involve eclipses, and a variety of other cycles that take place over thousands of years. As I am new on my moon journey, those cycles are a little advanced for me. Let me show you how to use the moon’s cycle to create and manifest.
Lunar Cycle Lengths
Monthly: ~1 week per phase
- New Moon = week 1
- First Quarter Moon = week 2
- Full Moon = week 3
- Third Quarter Moon = week 4
Annual: ~3 months per phase (about a quarter of a year)
- New Moon = quarter 1
- First Quarter Moon = quarter 2
- Full Moon = quarter 3
- Third Quarter Moon = quarter 4
Lunar Gestation Cycle: ~9 months per phase (lines up with the human gestation cycle, neat huh!)
- New Moon = months 0-8
- First Quarter Moon = months 9-17
- Full Moon = months 18-26
- Third Quarter Moon = months 27-35

How to Create with the Cycles of the Moon
Now that you understand how the phases of the moon work, and that there are a number of cycles to work with, you can start to map out and create based on these energies. All you need to do to start is to know how much time you need for your creative project from start to finish.
Note: Finish is a relative point in which you decide if the “release” of said project is a release to the world or releasing the project from your to do list and moving on. You can use the Full Moon phase for the first, or 3rd quarter moon for the latter. I’ll explain more below.
Every creation process starts with the planting of seeds, or the idea. Use the New Moon phase of any cycle, monthly, yearly or Lunar Gestation Cycle to get your project kicked off. Here are some ideas for New Moon energies.
- Set intentions
- Visioning and sketches
- Make lists
- Prep productivity tasks/cards/reminders/deadlines
- Set timelines
- Create strategies
- Plant seeds (literally!)
The next phase is an important one in the creation process: the first quarter moon. My mentor refers to it as a “choice point.” Energetically, the process requires a decision to be made and action to be taken. Sometimes, our big visions from the New Moon are a little too grandiose, I know from experience since I am a Sag rising and I’ve got big dreams that always need to be scaled back to be completed. This is often referred to as a half moon because literally half of the moon is in shadow. I see it as a milestone or block on the creative path. Somehow we need to get past it. Returning to our intention can help us break through if we are struggling. Here are some ideas for the first half of the Waxing Moon period.
- Start tackling the to do lists created around the New moon
- Adjust the vision
- Make the decision
- Take action
- Setup systems to track data for later
- Keep watering and caring for those seeds
The next phase is the full moon phase in which we see the fruits of our efforts from the first two phases manifested in the physical realm. Think of this as summer time and all the bountiful produce we experience every summer. The moon is full of the Sun’s light and the Sun is shining a spotlight on everything at this moment because it is exactly 180º away from our perspective on Earth. At this point, it’s important to have gratitude and start to release some stuff. Here are some ways to use this phase in the creation process.
- Release your project to the world, it’s time for people to see it!
- Practice gratitude and appreciate how far you’ve come with this project
- Enjoy the fruits of your labors
- Have fun!
The last part of the lunar cycle is the actual releasing phase. It can be a bit confusing since I just told you to release your project, but this is a different kind of release. Think autumn, when the trees release their leaves to prepare for winter. They are releasing what is no longer serving their being and preparing to hunker down for the cold, dark space that is the fertile void. See some ideas below for releasing your creative projects.
- Check that shit off your list
- Celebrate the end with a period of reflection and honoring your efforts
- Analyze what worked and what didn’t work
- Archive and backup files
- Declutter or release what didn’t work
- Begin to slow down and prepare to rest before the next creative project*
* Resting during the last part of this phase during the Balsamic moon is bliss. It allows your body, mind and spirit to reset and replenish your creative stores for your next project!
Astrological Timing
When deciding when to start and release projects, you can use your natal chart to determine start dates. Or you can apply the energies of the phases right where you are. But it’s most powerful when using your own natal gifts to get the most support from the cosmic energies available to you.
I use the moons that correspond to my Big 3 signs in my chart. So I always start new projects on Sag, Scorpio or Cancer New Moons. Your new year starts at your birthday every year. Think of it as a beautiful chapter of your vibrant life you are crafting.
Of course you can start at any New Moon. Each sign has its own unique energies to support you in crafting your timelines.
- Aries: great for completely new hobbies, competitions, leadership opportunities
- Taurus: great for creating
- Gemini: great for writing projects or research
- Cancer: great for creating spaces or communities
- Leo: great for performing arts, social media or entertaining types of projects
- Virgo: great for detailed projects like proofreading, data analysis, SEO and project management
- Libra: great for collabs and bringing beauty to the world
- Scorpio: great for shadow work, detective or research type of projects
- Sagittarius: great for broadcasting projects like videos/podcasts, travel or journeys too!
- Capricorn: great for setting goals, and developing systems and structures to achieve them
- Aquarius: great for unconventional projects, innovative, experimental or forward-thinking projects
- Pisces: great for visioning, dreaming, being easy and enjoying the state of flow
Create with the moon’s Cycles
And that’s it! You can use these ideas for your next creative project and use the lengths of the cycles to determine when each phase occurs in your project timelines. Planning creative projects with the moon cycles can have a positive effect on you and your moods while you work through your projects. Simply because you are working with the flow of energy, not against it.
And who doesn’t want to feel more flow when they create? Try this technique out when you get ready to start a new creative project or task. Map it out and see how the energies support your work during the process. Be curious and open to what amazing things manifest while you do!
Use the tips and examples above to guide you as you embark on this journey. If you’d like more guidance, let’s have a chat! I offer one on one Moon readings to help you understand your natal moon placement, and how to manifest with the moon. In addition to marketing and strategy with astrology for small business owners and entrepreneurs.