Pluto in Aquarius

Big shifts in power and technology are coming this Saturday!
January, 20, 2024—the second time that Pluto will change signs into Aquarius in recent years. The first time was March 23, 2023, and the next time will be November 19, 2024, due to Pluto’s annual retrograde period.
Pluto, now considered a dwarf planet, is one of what we call in astrology the transpersonal planets and is the transformer of the bunch. I like to think of Pluto’s presence as the pressure that creates a diamond. It’s intense AF.
Pluto brings the shadows to light for review and transformation. Collectively, we feel it as societal and political structures that need to be reformed. Individually, it can feel like we are being turned inside out and forced to reexamine the area of our life that Pluto is demanding that we restructure. My mentor calls it a renovation of the house.
The essence of Pluto is power and control, so when we experience transits by Pluto collectively, it forces us to take a look at systems of power that are imbalanced and need an overhaul. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius brought about the Age of Enlightenment and many revolutionary wars.
I don’t own a TV, nor do I seek out news. But some things have crossed my experience that are screaming Pluto in Aquarius. Why do we study history? So we don’t repeat the same mistakes.
An example in Authoritarian Control
In order to keep this a safe space, I will not go into the political arena and discuss the current climate in most countries throughout the world. You’re already a witness to history in the making. Instead, I will use another example to illustrate this changing of the guard.
My love shared a video with me. He spends more time on the socials than I, using it to learn and observe human behavior from a psychological perspective. This video was one of those videos.
Upon watching the video I was hit with many emotions. Disbelief. Anger. Disgust. Contempt. And finally, amusement.
What I had just witnessed was a classic example of Pluto in Capricorn. Currently, Pluto is sitting at 29º, slowly making its way to 0º Aquarius. The release of this video and the uproar surrounding it made me laugh out loud. I love to see classic examples of astrology in action!
Here is why this video is important
Pluto helps us see the disproportionate levels of power and control. What I see in this video, as a freedom-loving Sagittarius rising, is an “authority” figure attempting to exert control over a population of people.
Sure they attempted to make it fun and light-hearted. But anyone can tell there is no veil in this threat. It’s not even an attempt in authentic communication to rally a crowd to come together. Fake as fuck, IMO.
What do people do when they are suppressed and controlled? They revolt.
I expect the coming weeks will reveal more to this power struggle between authority and a body of people that is comparable to the Great Resignation in terms of numbers, but with more fireworks. Essentially, what they’ve done is said to their people “Let them eat cake!”
The bottom line here is that structures are changing, and it’s permanent.
Community is more important than ever before with Pluto in Aquarius
With Pluto in Aquarius, we will see a rising of the people. Big or small circumstances, people are going to be coming together in community stronger than ever before. It’s exciting and terrifying at the same time.
It reminds me of a time when I was in the production show, Jubilee! at Bally’s (now the Horseshoe) Las Vegas. Of course, Pluto was not in Capricorn or Aquarius, but in Sagittarius.
There was a power struggle between the corporation of Bally’s and a company of 150+ performers, tech and wardrobe crew members. In essence, the corporation was in violation of our contracts (Sagittarius rules the Law) and we had to come together as a community and hire an attorney to stand up for ourselves, our jobs and our livelihood.
It was SCARY! It felt very much like a revolution as whispers filled the backstage areas and you didn’t know who you could trust. I wanted to stand up for what was right, even though I loved being part of the show and knew that there could be consequences in joining the crowd. But, we came together, hired the attorney and had a letter drafted to fight back. We won.
But how will Pluto in Aquarius affect me?
Personally, Pluto in Aquarius will affect you in relation to the house that is ruled by Aquarius in your birth chart. If you don’t know which house that is, you can get your free chart over at or book a reading with me and I’ll spill the tea on what you can expect in your personal transformation for the next 20 years.
We already got a sneak peek of the impending transformations in 2023 between March 27th and June 11th. If you keep a diary or moon journal, make sure to look back and see what was going on in your experience.
For me, Aquarius rules my third house, the house of communication, siblings, early learning and short journeys. It’s ruled by Mercury, so I expect my 9th house, where my Mercury lives, will experience an upgrade as well.
Looking back, I was surprised to see how much my communication was affected, in addition to my relationships. Even my handwriting had changed!
Authenticity will be key with Pluto in Aquarius
All of this information is not to scare you or catastrophize what is happening in this world. I know you can feel it. This is good news! If you know what’s going on, you can make informed decisions and not be pulled into the fear spiral that happens in the media. (That is why I love astrology!)
Pluto in Aquarius is calling for authenticity and coming together for the greater good.
You will have the next 20 years to cultivate authenticity and build a strong community in order to move our society forward into the future. When Pluto moves into Aquarius on Saturday, January 20th, make sure to take time to celebrate the past 16 years of transformation you experienced with Capricorn, it was a doozy, as you know.
If you’d like to learn more about how this transit affects you personally, make sure to book a reading so that you are armed with the knowledge of this powerfully transformative experience we will all be part of for the next two decades.
Book a Reading
Empower yourself through the wisdom contained in your birth chart. Learn how the archetypal energies have been working in your life and have stimulated your growth and transformation. Having an astrologer on your self care team is essential in these wild times we’re living in.