Astrologers are just interpreters of a symbolic language. There’s magic in the symbols and by opening up to that magic, we learn more about who we are, who we are meant to be and who we are becoming.
I recently bought a knitting pattern that I found on Pinterest. (Yes, Pinterest does work for marketing. 80% of Pinners have discovered a new brand or product on Pinterest rings true in this case.)
I was so excited to see this lovely summer top pattern that I immediately saved it to my Ravelry favorites to purchase later. About an hour later, lol, I went back to check what kind of yarn and how much was necessary when I realized—the. pattern. is. written. in. spanish.
Crap. I really want to make that top.
Only 2 people had purchased it since 2022, which was surprising since it’s such a lovely pattern and EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for when it popped up in my feed.
I thought, well, let’s see what happens when I copy the pattern description into google translate. WTF? It actually worked! I can clearly understand what the pattern designer is saying.
How hard can it be to translate an entire knitting pattern? It states in the spanish description that she used english knitting terms. The rest is just figuring out measurements and fit. Hmmm.
Well, I’m done knitting the top.
I couldn’t believe how easy it was to figure it out. I just needed to get resourceful. What I also couldn’t believe is how many people out there may not have purchased the pattern simply because it wasn’t in their own language! I know there’s at least one since they commented on it saying “too bad it’s in spanish.” Their loss, I guess.
There are two points to this story:
- You can figure it out—whatever it is. Just get curious.
- Astrology is just a symbolic language that needs interpretation.
It’s intensely overwhelming. I know! There are so many little symbols and meanings and myths and “what the?” one encounters when they first dip their toe in. It takes an incredible amount of analyzing and interpretation to figure it out enough to share with a client so they understand what it all means when we look at their birth chart.
Astrologers are lifelong students! There is so much to discover that one would need at least 3 lifetimes to learn it all. So we pick our favorite area and learn everything we can within it.
What makes a good astrologer?
A good astrologer is someone who takes their knowledge of the symbolic language and interprets it in a way that their client can understand and in turn use that information to empower them in their life. We do the work that language interpreters are doing, in addition to the added support that is offered by counselors and coaches.
We create a safe space that validates the client, their life experience so far, and mitigate their doubts and fears.
Sure, anyone can learn to read or write a language, but actually speaking it to a native speaker is an entirely different arena. It just takes practice. It’s the same with astrology.
But, I don’t want to be an astrologer
This isn’t a plea to get you to jump in and learn astrology and be an astrologer. (Which is the actual term used for people who study the movements of the planets and derive meaning from them.) I’m sharing that astrology can be a powerful tool to help you understand yourself and your life better.
Understanding the lights and shadows to every facet of your being, why-you-did-that or made-that-choice-in-that-way-when-you-know-better-now, can be extremely empowering. And validating. It’s not a way to make excuses, but a way to give yourself grace when that inner critic is rearing its ugly head and just won’t shut up about that one time…
This is the reason I became an astrologer. To be the guide, the interpreter, the way through the muck to help people find clarity. It’s all right there—within your birth chart, the blueprint that you were gifted when you came into this physical world.
3 Ways you can use astrology in life to be empowered and confident
I’ve found so many ways to apply what I’ve learned about astrology over the past 4 years to my life for the better. (And sometimes worse, but that’s a story for another time.) Here are just a handful of the ways I use my astrology studies in my daily life. You can learn how too!
Tracking the moon daily
By tracking the moon daily, you can see when certain days will be more productive or challenging ahead of time. You can use an app like iLuna or you can get a moon calendar. By knowing which sign the moon is in, you can align your activities with the moods of the moon.
Tracking lunar phases
Tracking the lunar phases can help with manifestation and witnessing events playing out over longer periods of time. Once you get used to the changes the Moon makes through the signs, you can start to observe and track the moon phases for creation and manifestation.
Knowing your Sun, Moon and Rising
If you are into personal development, you need to know your Sun, Moon and Rising signs, also known as the big 3. Awareness is everything for personal development. Knowing how your most important cosmic gifts help or hinder you daily help you glow up.
Your Sun is who you are born to become, your rising is the persona or mask you developed to survive in this world, and your Moon is everything that lies beneath the surface: your emotions, your needs, how you nurture and desire to be nurtured, which dictate your unconscious behaviors and daily life. (Which is why we track the moon and see how her mood affects ours and in turn our days.)
Astrology is a powerful tool in personal development
Astrology helps you see what you are choosing to push down or hide from the light. You can learn so much about yourself, the way you show up or don’t, how you are wired to market or self promote, how you self sabotage and why, and so much more. I invite you to join me in my Moon Play Community to learn more about astrology and how you can practically apply it to your life in small doses for maximum impact.